USA hydroponics store

Ready?TRUE or FALSE Hydroponics…

  1. Is a new-sprung, faddish development.......................T F
  2. Mainly involves genetically modified crops........................T F
  3. Always has to be expensive........................................T F
  4. Is an obscure gardening technique.................................T F
  5. Mainly operated by hippies and avid marijuana growers…............T F
Check your answers bellow:
1) Hydroponics is a new-sprung, faddish development - FALSE!

From the Egyptians on, people have practiced hydroponics for centuries!

2) Hydroponics mainly grows genetically modified foods - FALSE!

Though hydroponics promises solutions to solve global hunger as do genetically modified crops, there’s no connection. Hydroponic food is 100% natural and not modified by chemicals whatever, so please help end that bad rap!

3) Hydroponics always has to be expensive - FALSE!

As proven by Filipino ingenuity, small scale hydroponics can cost way less than traditional crop growing at the same scale. Besides, it’s possible to offset costs when compared to traditional growing, as you eliminate the necessary items used to grow plants in dirt.

4) Hydroponics is an obscure gardening technique - FALSE!

In some places, hydroponics is fast surpassing traditional growing methods. For example 90% of greenhouse-grown plants in British Columbia are hydroponic.

5) Mainly operated by hippies and avid marijuana growers - (mostly) FALSE!

Although marijuana growers take advantage of the same hydroponic growing benefits as other growers, the vast majority of crops grown hydroponically are fully legal and unlikely to create highs or hallucinations. As far as hippies are concerned, the jury’s out. We just can’t cite a single scientific study.

So how does YOUR hydroponics party conversation measure up?


5 - Go ahead, chat with the experts
4 - Might impress the uninitiated
3 - Might impress the inebriated
2 - Limit conversation to intelligent-sounding murmurs and the word “uh-huh”
1 - If topic arises, cough twice gently, then amble unobtrusively to the drinks table

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